Sunday 18 May 2014


Ok, so this was a panic buy and not what I really wanted.

I had read and heard about how Lambrusco had made a justified return to our wine shop and supermarket shelves, having disappeared years ago for good reason. Most of us, of a certain age, remember Lambrusco as a light, pink, fizzy teenage party drink, barely qualified to be called a wine.

The 'new' Lambruscos are dry, semi sparkling wines with flavours of violets, strawberries, black cherries and fresh plums. They are higher in alcohol, fuller bodied and even tannic, like grown-up wines.

So I set about finding some to be my red L. There aren't many red L's, and it felt like a good opportunity to try something experimental which is, after all, why I started this game in the first place. It wasn't as easy as I had hoped. M&S have been reliable in their support for my exploration and they had a Lambrusco Rosato.

Week L (2014) is Marks and Spencer Lambrusco Rosato.

It is a light, pink, fizzy teenage party drink, barely qualified to be called wine.

I have since tasted a Lambrusco Grasparossa from Emilia-Romagna. It was dry, semi sparkling with flavours of violets, strawberries, black cherries and fresh plums. It was higher in alcohol, fuller bodied and slightly tannic.

The moral of this story? Never buy wine in a panic. There is good stuff out there waiting to reward the patient.

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