Sunday 5 December 2021

White Port

T'is nearly the season to be jolly, so I have branched out a little for this week's white wine, with something I probably would not have bought in the summer. I was in two minds as to whether or not this week's selection really qualifies, but then I decided as I had had no such qualms about including its red sibling back in Week Q (2014) I should get on with it.

Week W (2021) Taylor's Fine White Port NV Majestic £12.99 50cl (£9.99 mix six) 

Odd that I feel less likely to have bought it in the summer because it works rather well as an aperitif and especially over a little ice.

Majestic rate this as 'very dry' and other reviewers seem to agree. I don't. I think it has a distinct honey-led sweetness with some citrus notes and touches of oak.

Another source of disagreement is the varieties of grapes used. Majestic says Malvasia, whereas the producer's own website lists Arinto, Boal (Semillon), Codega, Esgana Cão, Folgasão, Gouveio, Viosinho and Rabigato varieties.

It could be that I am confusing to versions of the wine, but they are both labelled with the same name, so I don't know.

I would, under normal circumstances, investigate with more determination but I have a lamb shoulder to roast, some Christmas decorations to install and, most frightening of all, Christmas presents to organise, so this post is being done under some psychological pressure and that, real or imagined, is stemming my creative juices.

I am also somewhat fatigued as I am currently, and temporarily, employed by the organisation from whom I bought the above drink in a capacity that tests both my knowledge of wine and my decaying muscles. Such fatigue caused me to pre-select next week's wine, which needs to represent the letter X, as Baumes de Venise (Red, so that bit was good). My command of the alphabet deserted me. I will still try to avoid Xinomavro again, but will probably cheat somehow.

Buy again? Unlikley, but if The One likes it I may.

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