Sunday 27 February 2022

Mount Impey

I spoke too soon. The Russians have invaded Ukraine and suddenly the world feels a little less settled. Things like this put unnecessary amateur wine blogs into perspective and I feel slightly foolish as I start to type this nonsense, but not doing so would have as much positive impact on the situation as all the other empty gestures that are about to become plastered all over social media, so with apologies to those whose lives are about to become much worse:

Week I (2022) Mount Impey Sauvignon Blanc 2020. Tesco £12.

It's another New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. We had one about a month ago and that was good, so what is different about this one? 

I essence, it is quite similar to Week E (2022) but less intense. Not less enjoyable, which I thought it might be as I had found the previous wine benefitted from its citrussy intensity, but definitely more subtle.

I had found the Spy Valley wine enjoyable and moreish because of the flavorsome punch it packed and I fine this one enjoyable because it was nicely balanced. It makes me wonder whether about the extent to which personal circumstances, mood and attitude influence the impression of pleasure that is gained from any given bottle.

Those whom promote and believe in the benefits of biodynamic agriculture tend also to think that there is merit in following the biodynamic calendar to assist with the selection of wines that will taste their best on given days. This calendar is used to influence when particular tasks associated with planting and managing all manner of crops, not just grapes, to get the best results. It is based on astrology and as such should be a load of bollocks, however, I have read in creditable sources (creditable but unmemorable, it turns out, so I can't provide references) that the debate has moved on from 'does it work?' to 'how does it work?'. Could it be that may enjoyment of different styles of sauvignon blanc depend on the day on which I tasted them?

Did I enjoy the Spy Valley wine with its prominent fruit because I tasted it on a day when the moon was in one of the 'fire' constellations, making it a Fruit day? (Aires, Leo & Sagittarius.) Had it have been a Root day (moon in earth  signs: Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo) would it have left me dissatisfied? There are also Flower days and Leaf days, but you get the point. Do I care? not really. I am happy to say that these two wines are different and I enjoyed them both for different reasons.

Buy again? Maybe; probably not.

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